Love is in the air…and yes, finally my goals for 2010

Yikes, just realised this is my first blog post of 2010… Worst then last year…! Well, this is why the first title for my blog was “Amélie’s Sporadic Blog”… Ok, enough of beating myself up.

As a little girl Valentine’s day was always a big deal for me, (as were all the holidays really…) The house was always dressed up and decorated not only for Christmas and birthdays, but at any other possible occasion: St-Patrick’s, Halloween, and of course Valentine’s. The best set of plates and cutlery came out, the red candles, the decorations me and my brothers made at school over the years, and mum would use a heart-shape cookie cutter to shape the butter for the morning toasts… I remember dressing in red and white for school and making special earrings for the day with love hearts cut out in red cardboard hanging with a piece of pink yarn… (I guess I was pre-destined to a life of creativity…!) and mum and dad made sure I had some cinnamon hearts in my lunch box.. Very fond memories indeed.

“Ok Amélie, that’s all very well, but what’s happening in the Studio…?”

Well, so far I have completed 5 paintings, (of which I sold 2 already!) and I have been pretty good at the “other stuff” you have to do as an artist, (social networking, updating portfolio material, contacting new galleries etc…) Here are the new paintings of the year:

And last but not the least, here are my goals for 2010,

– Produce 60 paintings,
– Be more regular with my blog (ahem…)
– Get in 2 galleries on the main European continent,
– Get in 2 galleries in the US,
– Get in a gallery either in Montréal or Québec city,
– Keep an updated inventory of my work,
– Get better at keeping accounts of in and out,
– Get at least one article about me in a magazine,
– Get 30 more fans for my Facebook Fan page

Hummm… unfortunately most of them were also on my list last year… I will have to be more agressive..!

Well! Thanks a lot for reading, and Happy Valentine’s Day!

  1. Hope you had a happy Valentine’s Day, Amélie. I love the photo at top, but more than that I love your paintings. I’m especially eying those street lamps on the red hillside. How fun!

  2. I too love the paintings, especially the red buttons. Your goals are great to read, I wish you well in them.

  3. Thank you Toni…!

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