Archive for January 2015

Showcase 2015 – My afternoon in Dublin

I had a quick afternoon in the Capital yesterday, to check out a show that I have never taken part of before but that I am strongly considering: Showcase Ireland.


Showcase is a trade-only event for retailers, presenting a super vast selection of Irish crafts, designs, jewellery etc… It is not a show to sell individual items, but to take wholesale orders from different shops around the country. Since getting into the wholesale business is one of my major goals at the moment, I think it would be a good one to do next! Obviously this would not be for my original art pieces, but rather for my prints, cards, coasters, and MAYBE for my jewellery as well.


I really enjoyed walking the aisles and having a good look at how things were hanging, the displays, the props etc, (my background, after all, is in Visual Merchandising) so I just love to look at these things, (and to collect ideas on my Pinterest boards!) I think I’m not too bad at putting a stand together myself…! Here are a couple of my favorites that I have done:

IMG_3078Art Fair RDS 2011 low res

It was a quick enough visit, I only had a couple of hours between my two trains, (I live 3h+ from Dublin) but I’m very happy I went. My head is buzzing with possibilities, and I LOVE when that happens.

Here’s to possibilities…!

Amélie 🙂


January Blues – I mean, News.

We are well into the first month of 2015, I hope it is treating you well so far…!

I just realised I have not posted anything on this beautiful new website/blog since October, and it’s time to change that… In one of my last posts I shared with you some goals I had before the end of the year, I haven’t accomplished them all but the ones I did were met with success!

I always find it hard to get going in January. I feel that it takes a while to shake the Holiday feeling, and I just cannot face doing any work while the Christmas decorations are still up. I finally picked up my brushes last week (which I shared on Facebook…!) and I have also been doing a lot of planning and thinking. (read here: spent a lot of time on Pinterest.)

So! My first thing to do at the moment is give Valentine’s Day a little attention…


There is a lot of lovely little goodies in my online shop which would make a nice little present for a girlfriend, a mother or a sister…! And to say thank you for having read this post so far, here is a little coupon code for you for 15% off any print, card or jewellery item. Just enter VALENTINESDAY2015 (no spaces) when you get to the checkout 🙂

Talk soon…! Amélie

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