Archive for the cards Category

So what’s next??

After the rush of an exhibition, I like to take a little break from painting… But rest assured I’m not sitting there just twidling my thumbs! I have two things I want to focus on for the next little while..

– Find markets to wholesale my prints
– Complete my new website
I am working on a submission to send to different shops right now, and on top of my framed prints, I will also be offering fine art coaster sets, and a selection of greeting cards.
Would you like to help me? 
If you can think of a nice local gift shop where you live (in Ireland only for now) and where my prints could fit in nicely,  then please share your suggestion with me and I’ll research it further. If it ends up with a collaboration I’ll make sure you get a little present 🙂 I am looking for wholesale opportunities only as I have several galleries working on a sale-or-return basis.
The Elusive New Website…
I have been working on that for a few months, and then the painting took priority because of the exhibition in Kinsale… I have my current website for quite a few years, and while I still think it looks great, it doesn’t give me much flexibility, I cannot direct people to a specific painting with it’s own url, and it has no shopping cart facility for online purchases… So I am working on a self-hosted  Wordpress site at the minute, which seems the way to go when you want more flexibility.
As I mentioned before in this post, the new site will include my paintings, my blog, my collection available for art licensing, and eventually an online store with my prints etc…
I have been using Blogger since I started this blog, and it has been soooo easy, so I find WordPress a lot trickier and I’m learning my way through plugins and widgets, and I do think it’s coming along nicely, so bare with me! I am hoping to organise a little launch event when everything is ready…
So there! I just didn’t want you to think that I’m being lazy 🙂
Thanks for reading folks, and thank you for your continued encouragements.

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