Posts Tagged art

Showcase 2015 – My afternoon in Dublin

I had a quick afternoon in the Capital yesterday, to check out a show that I have never taken part of before but that I am strongly considering: Showcase Ireland.


Showcase is a trade-only event for retailers, presenting a super vast selection of Irish crafts, designs, jewellery etc… It is not a show to sell individual items, but to take wholesale orders from different shops around the country. Since getting into the wholesale business is one of my major goals at the moment, I think it would be a good one to do next! Obviously this would not be for my original art pieces, but rather for my prints, cards, coasters, and MAYBE for my jewellery as well.


I really enjoyed walking the aisles and having a good look at how things were hanging, the displays, the props etc, (my background, after all, is in Visual Merchandising) so I just love to look at these things, (and to collect ideas on my Pinterest boards!) I think I’m not too bad at putting a stand together myself…! Here are a couple of my favorites that I have done:

IMG_3078Art Fair RDS 2011 low res

It was a quick enough visit, I only had a couple of hours between my two trains, (I live 3h+ from Dublin) but I’m very happy I went. My head is buzzing with possibilities, and I LOVE when that happens.

Here’s to possibilities…!

Amélie 🙂


Well Hello, New Website!

A BIG, BIG, BIG Welcome to you all, if you are reading this you are finally on my new website, I’m so glad you’re here for a visit!


What has changed?

Well I have gone through a bit of a re-branding as you can tell, and my domain name now includes my full name ( Amélie Gagné) and the domain name also points to this website.  According to my statistics, 85% of get to me by typing my name directly as a search term.


Why did I make this change? I loved my old website,  but it was a Flash website that didn’t allow me a lot of control over the different elements, hence my move to WordPress.

My Licensing collection is also better presented now and I’m hoping to do more work in this department in the future…!

licensing slider

My online shop will show you prints and jewellery available for purchase. At the moment it is a live feed from my Etsy shop, and Etsy handles the transaction when you are ready to check out. Very soon the shop section will be handled by Woocommerce.

There is also a wholesale section for retailers who would like to carry my line of prints and greeting cards. coasters and cards

So there! I wanted all these pages along with my blog and my original art to be under one brand new and colourful roof.

I would love to hear your thoughts! Many thanks for being here,

Amélie 🙂

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