What’s happening with my Blog..?

(*this post was originally in my old blog!)

I know, I have given it very little attention lately…  You may remember me mentioning that I was working on a new website.. If you don’t, well, in a nutshell, I am working on a website which will present my original paintings, showcase my art licensing portfolio, house an online shop with my prints and jewellery, AND my blog, all under one roof.  This is why I have been so absent from my blog, I was always hoping I would get the new one up and post from there… But juggling motherhood, a part-time job, and preparing for my annual show in Kinsale at the end of August is not always easy!

But all in good times,  it is coming along nicely, and I’m looking forward to show you the new overall image…! Here’s a sneak peek of a part of the front page:

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